Patient's Voice 2025

Patient’s Voice 2025: 3rd International Conference


This is the 3rd conference and will look at the progress that has been made since the 2015 Vancouver Statement.


The conference is about practice, innovation and theory that embeds the patient/client voice in health and social care education. It is an opportunity to share examples of how health and social care education be enriched by patient involvement. Over three days, participants will present examples of collaborations between educators and patient/community groups that bring the authentic and autonomous voices and lived experiences of patients into the education of current and future health and social care professionals.


The conference is international and interprofessional in scope. Interested professions will include: medicine, nursing, midwifery, physical therapy, occupational therapy, pharmacy, kinesiology, social work, dietetics, audiology, speech-language pathology, and other health disciplines. Participants and presenters will include:

  • Educators
  • Practitioners
  • Patients/clients
  • Service users/carers
  • Community Organizations
  • Researchers
  • Policy makers
  • Students

“An amazing opportunity to present some of our work on this topic.”Pedro Morgado, Universidade do Minho, Portugal

“I have a growing group of consumers, academics, educators and practitioners here in Australia that are integrating the patient voice in their HPE who would love to attend the conference.”Gabrielle Brand, Monash University

“I have saved the date and our patient partners, faculty and I are so looking forward to this.”Dana Arafeh, University of Toronto

“We are very interested in attending the conference and hopefully be able to share our experience and results at that point.”Catrine Buck-Jensen, UiT, The Arctic University of Norway

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